Around 23% of kids between two to five have decay on their teeth. Of course, preventing decay is the best way to have a healthy mouth, and you can help your kids have healthy mouths by taking them to a great pediatric dentist. But how do you find the best Nicholasville pediatric dentist for your children? Finding one takes some work and time, but it’s necessary if you want your kids to have healthy teeth and gums.

You can find a great pediatric dentist by knowing what to look for in a dentist. Are you ready to learn how? Then keep reading this guide to learn about seven signs that tell you that you have found a great pediatric dentist.

1. Kids Are Their Specialty

Taking your children to a kid’s dentist is the best way to care for their oral health, but not every dentist is equal. However, you know you found the best dentist for kids when children are their specialty.

You can tell if kids are the dentist’s specialty in several ways. First, check out their website. When you browse the site, do you know instantly that they focus on children? A website is revealing about a dentist’s specialty.

Next, you can tell if kids are their specialty by visiting the office. For example, a Nicholasville children’s dental office reveals its focus right when you walk inside.

The best kid’s dentist doesn’t treat adults or seniors. Instead, they serve children, and you can determine this by following these tips.

2. Highly Recommended

The best Nicholasville children’s dentist is also highly recommended by current and previous clients. So how do you know if people recommend this office? You can find out in several ways.

First, ask other moms where they take their kids. You probably see other moms at playdates or school when you drop off or pick up your kids. You might even take part in some mom groups.

Moms like to share their experiences with other moms, so ask around. You’ll learn a lot about the good and bad from talking to other parents.

Secondly, you might read reviews about a kid’s dentist in your area. Reviews come from previous and current clients and offer first-hand information about a person’s experiences.

The best dentist will have high reviews and recommendations from people who’ve been there.

3. A Nicholasville Pediatric Dentist Knows Prevention Methods

Pediatric dentists specialize in serving children, but does the dentist know the best prevention methods? Prevention is only one part of dentistry, but it’s a critical part.

Prevention helps you and your children prevent decay and other problems from developing. But does the dentist focus on this aspect?

Excellent pediatric dentists focus on this critical aspect and offer services and educational information to help you and your kids prevent problems.

For example, a great pediatric dentist might recommend dental sealants for molar teeth right after they erupt. Great dentists also help parents learn the best techniques and products for brushing their child’s teeth.

Of course, preventing problems is only one aspect of dentistry. Another aspect is emergencies. So, you may ask if the clinic offers emergency pediatric dentist appointments, just in case.

4. Fun Environment

Parents often say, “I want the best dentist for my kids.” After all, parents understand that kids might resist going to the dentist. Dental clinics can scare or intimidate children.

However, dentists offering a fun environment for kids have the opposite effect. Kids enjoy going to the dentist when they feel comfortable in the environment.

As a result, visiting a dental clinic is vital when looking for the best pediatric dentist. You can schedule a child’s first dentist visit to determine if the clinic offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere for kids.

In fact, you’ll have this answer right when you walk inside. You’ll see if the clinic aims to welcome kids through its colors, decorations, and furniture. You’ll also notice it when you talk to the staff.

5. Engage Well With Children

Not only does a good kid’s dentist have a welcoming atmosphere for kids, but they also engage well with children. Pediatric dental visits should make kids feel comfortable, but they should also be fun.

You’ll notice that a great pediatric clinic has a staff that knows how to talk to kids. They even involve the children in the steps they complete. They might explain what they’re doing in a way that kids understand.

They might also say silly things to make the kids laugh. Your kids will love it and might even feel excited to return for their next visit.

Making a good impression is critical with dental work, and a great office ensures that your child enjoys their visits.

6. Great Explanations

Another trait you might look for is a clinic that explains things well. As a parent, you want to know about your child’s oral health and what they can do to fix problems and prevent issues.

A great pediatric dentist takes their time explaining things and is willing to answer all your questions. You’ll feel like you matter to the dentist when discussing your child’s oral health.

7. Special Training

Finally, a great clinic has the proper training. Pediatric dentists complete many years of training to offer pediatric dental services, but most also complete education that trains them to treat special needs children.

You can ask a dentist about their training or look up information online. You can also ask if they treat children with special needs if you have a child that requires special training.

Picking the Right Pediatric Dentist Is Crucial

Finding the right Nicholasville Pediatric dentist is vital if you have children under 18. After all, you must bring your children to the dentist at least twice a year, and you’ll want them to enjoy going.

You’ll also want to ensure that your kids receive the best dental care possible. So, contact us to learn more about our staff, services, and office.